Back Into Balance – Recovery & Prevention

Back Into Balance

Yogamelia yoga for motherhood and life

Recovery & Prevention

Has parenting taken over your whole life?

The “Back into Balance” parental burnout coaching programme is a personalised journey to reclaim time and space for you. It’s not about adding more to your to-do list; it’s about redefining priorities, learning to ask for help, fostering self-care, and building resilience.

Are You Feeling...


Parenting can be a relentless journey, leaving you feeling utterly exhausted, both physically and emotionally. Once everyone else has been taken care of, there is nothing left for you.


The weight of parental responsibilities often comes with its fair share of worries. From ensuring your child’s well-being to managing your household, all the mental load mums carry often means it’s hard to relax, be really present and have fun.

Guilty & Ashamed?

Whether it’s about not having enough time for your kids, for yourself, making decisions you question, or simply feeling like you should be doing more – the guilt can be overwhelming.

Do you ‘lose it’ with your child(ren) and/or partner, exploding in anger or frustration or bursting into tears? Do you then berate yourself or feel embarrassed after? Do you feel ashamed that you seem not to be able to handle motherhood even though you wanted children? Do you feel guilty for wanting to focus on other aspects of your life and not just motherhood”?

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Overwhelmed mother

You're Not Alone!

The journey starts by acknowledging that you deserve more than just being in survival mode – you deserve a life filled with joy, confidence, and ease. Let’s transform exhaustion into energy, anxiety into confidence, and guilt and shame into self-compassion!

Recovery from parental burnout and relapse prevention isn’t a quick fix and a one-size-fits-all solution; it’s a journey that demands a tailored approach based on your specific situation.

To discuss how this programme can work for you, book a FREE consultation.

How Can I Help?

I am a mum who has navigated the challenging journey of burnout and emerged stronger. As a yoga, meditation and mindfulness teacher as well as parental burnout coach, I offer a holistic and pragmatic approach to support you with lots of tried and tested tools.

I trained as a Parental Burnout Expert with leading researchers in parental burnout, Roskam and Mikolajczak (at the University of Louvain, Belgium), who have developed an evidenced based approach to treating parental burnout.


A Live Coaching Programme

Yogamelia yoga for motherhood and life

Program Features

Format: Online Live Private Sessions (Zoom)

Embracing the flexibility of online interaction, our sessions will be conducted via Zoom.

  1. Detailed Parental Burnout Assessment, Assessment of Risks & Resources and Prioritisation
  2. Personalised Coaching Plan highlighting the priorities areas we will work on, based on your unique situation
  3. 4 or 8 one hour coaching sessions, every two weeks, scheduled to suit your calendar
  4. Resource Tool Kit – videos, meditations, journaling and other exercises
  5. Email support for the duration of the programme (3 or 5 months)
  6. One hour follow-up coaching call one month after completion of the programme

3 months programme: CHF 890.-

5 months programme: CHF 1390.-

To discuss how this programme can work for you, book a FREE consultation.

Stones balancing on top of each other
Boho Design Elements

During Our Sessions...

Based on your specific needs we can cover:

  • Understanding Parental Burnout:
  • – Distinguishing it from ‘ordinary parenting stress’ and exploring why it impacts you.

  • Your Parental Burnout Story:
  • – Understanding ‘your story’ and identifying your specific parental burnout risk and resource factors

  • Physiological Recovery:
  • – Addressing nutrition, eating habits, sleep and rest as key elements to recharge your batteries.

  • Personal Factors:
  • – Addressing elements such as the ‘ideal parent’ and perfectionism, stress management, navigating different identities and reclaiming your identity outside of motherhood.
    • Communicating constructively
    • Developing self-compassion
  • Parental Behaviours:
  • – Providing a framework to ‘choose your battles’ and identifying suitable parenting practices when things get tough

    – Finding ways to reclaim child-parent quality time.

  • Family Dynamics:
  • – Exploring values, co-parenting dynamics, and the often-overlooked ‘mental load’. Providing guidance for realistic division of labour and for communicating requests for help effectively.

  • Social Support Network:
  • – Strategies to distance yourself from external pressures and enhance your social support.

    For Example:

    One area we might explore is the concept of “mental load”. The often-unseen burden of managing household responsibilities, organising schedules, and anticipating needs can contribute significantly to parental burnout.

    We’ll delve into strategies to:
    • Get comfortable asking for help
    • Communicate openly about shared duties and expectations
    • Delegate responsibilities effectively within the family
    Another key aspect we might work on is stress management. We’ll:
    • Explore the specific situations, responsibilities, or thoughts that trigger stress in your life. focus on cultivating a heightened awareness of stress signals in your body and mind to allow you to intervene before escalation.
    • Learn practical techniques to express stress in a healthy and constructive manner.
    • Identify and implement strategies to cope with stressful situations


    The Back into Balance Programme is a comprehensive programme designed to support the recovery from Parental Burnout and prevent relapse. 

    The duration of the programme (3 or 5 months, see below) as well as the content of the live coaching sessions will be tailored to your unique needs and circumstances.

    The choice between the 3 months (4+1 sessions) or 5 months (8+1 session) programme allows me to cater to your unique needs and preferences. The duration is determined based on the results of a thorough Parental Burnout Assessment and accordingly the severity of the parental burnout you are experiencing.

    The Back into Balance parental burnout coaching programme is specifically designed for mothers who are feeling that parenting has taken over their whole life and are ready to make significant changes to achieve a better balance.

    The programme involves 4 or 8 one-hour coaching sessions, every two weeks, and a follow-up call 1 month after completion, with additional resources provided for your use. The commitment extends beyond the sessions, encouraging the integration of strategies into your daily life. It’s a holistic approach designed to fit into your busy schedule without overwhelming you. Typically, you would want to allocate 2-3 hours per week.

    While general life coaching addresses a broad spectrum of life aspects, Back into Balance is specifically tailored to the unique challenges faced by mothers experiencing burnout and built based on the reputed and evidenced-based parental burnout treatment programme of the currently leading researchers in parental burnout (Roskam and Mikolajczak, University of Louvain, Belgium).

    It delves into the intricacies of parenting, the impact on familial dynamics, and provides concrete strategies to navigate these challenges with a focus on holistic well-being.

    Back into Balance is not a substitute for clinical therapy/further treatment in case of accompanying anxiety disorder and/or depression. It is a targeted programme for parental burnout recovery that blends evidence-based techniques with the transformative practices of yoga and meditation. It focuses on practical strategies to address parental burnout and enhance overall well-being.

    The programme is designed to help you transform exhaustion into energy, anxiety into confidence, and guilt and shame into self-compassion. Results vary, but clients often experience improved stress management, enhanced communication skills, a more balanced family dynamic, and an overall sense of well-being.

    Your journey doesn’t end with the programme. If challenges persist, we’ll work together to assess and adjust strategies. Ongoing support is available, and additional sessions can be arranged to address new developments or concerns.

    As a mum who has overcome burnout, I made it my mission to help others going through similar challenges. I bring a unique blend of personal experience and professional expertise. I am an experienced yoga, meditation and mindfulness teacher and have trained as a Parental Burnout Expert with the leading researchers in parental burnout (Roskam and Mikolajczak, University of Louvain, Belgium).

    My holistic approach, integrating yoga, meditation, and coaching, is tailored to the specific needs of mothers. I understand the challenges and offer tried-and-tested tools to guide you towards lasting positive transformation.

    In working with me, you’ll find a safe space for you to navigate the challenges supported by my empathy and expertise.

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